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Full Version: Remembed questions! this ones were not difficult! - bat21
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1) picture of Wilson disease
2) left varicocele(where left testicle artery opens?)
3) frontal dislocation of humerus(what nerve damage)
4) Pudendal nerve block(ischial spine leve)
5) Ca various years ago, prostate Ca 6 months ago(what is lesion in lung)
6)Kid with anal bleeding, nothing wrong in retal exam, he told you to do a colonoscopy(what do you do?)
7) Kid with lesion in femur(no osteosarcoma as option, I took Ewing tumor)
8) Kid with a big mass in the abdomen(I picked Wilms)
9) Pregnant woman with polyhidramnios(duodena atresia)
10)How regenerated a nerve fiber(how do It will look)
11)question of Guillain barre)(easy)
12 Patient with prolactinoma(in a picture which nerve afected?)
12)Kid with ear pain, tympanus with air fluid level and pearl color)
13) Marathon runner (what energy source after 2 hours)
14)Hormer Sx(easy)
15) picture of intestine, patient with ab pain, blood, cramps)(I pick hirsprung's)(serious doubt)
16) No sensation on little foot little finger(what nerve damage?)
17) Picture of death born with lesion in lower back an anencephalia(what happend?)
18) lateral rectus(funtion?)
19) bacterial lumbar punction( give you results, you Dx)
20 Patien with pain in radiculopathy(where is compression?)
21)Woman with inflamation in elbow, puntion no organism(I picked olecrano bursa)
22) fat women with respiratory distress after Sx(Thrombosis)
23) man problem swallow(mm I picked Vagus nerve)
24) 24 year old girl with breast mass( I picked fibroadenoma)(everyother were cancer)
25) CT of liver after adiministration of a marker(color)(only the gallblader was not tainted)(where was it injected)
26) Newborn with constant murmur(machinery)(PDA)
27) Pleural effusion puncture, low proteins, what kind(transudade)
28)kid with pneumotorax, why?(bleb rupture)
29) Guy smoker with AP thorax augmented? (Enphysema)
30 Pregnant woman with infection with G+cocco, what bug? (in picture were 4 never unknowns, I picked listeria)
31) Guy when out on rainy day, wife found him on the ground with a sentinel burn in his arm(lightning hit)where you should also looK? I put heart Myocarditis)ja dont know a damm!
32) newborn with cyanosis( I picked coartation of aorta or SVC syndrome, dont remember)
33) woman with burning chest pain of varoius hours, took antiacid no got better, 3mm elevation in EKG but no onther sign(I picked MI but theres was also GERD
34) Mother go to your office with 14 y/o daughter, she do all the talking, what you do?
35) woman tell you, her husband say she have a drinking probblem(what you say to her?)
36) Girl with vomiting and bowel movement, what drug useful?(something near this))Metoclopramide
37) Hamburger diarrhea? (E. Coli)(always E.Coli)
38) Woman with Erythema, what cell involved?(no mast, as an answer, between neutro and eosinophyls)
39) seminoma or srotum metastasize where? Seminoma- lumbar nodes, scrotum- superficial inguinal nodes
40) Acumulation of what in kid who bite his lips(uric acid)
41) What happens in someone who use steroids?(no answer about protein synthesis elevation, I picked decrease gluconeogenesis)mm?
42)man with extirpation of pancreas head because of Ca, what else you extirpade?
43) picture of appendix, what kind of?(was really erythematous)
44) lesion in knee, frontal drawer sign? (ACL)
45) deff guy where is the damage?(no corti organ as an answer)(Cochlea hair, but there two options base and something else(apex maybe)

Well Guys this as far as I can remember, sorry some words are in spanish , jejje
thx man ..if everybody does like you instead of just showing off scores and telling their memoires this forum would be a treasure and worthy of time. Deeply thanks for the effort
Amen to that!!!!!!!
you can fool some people for some time, but you guys have managed to fool so many for so long..............

thanx a lot budy i wish u good score
31) Guy when out on rainy day, wife found him on the ground with a sentinel burn in his arm(lightning hit)where you should also looK? I put heart Myocarditis)ja dont know a damm!
CAN YOU TELL US OTHER ANSWER OPTIONS THAT YOU HAD ON YOUR EXAM? Did they simply wanted to know point of exit of electrical current or pathologic findings on autopsy??
After a person has been struck by lightning, the heart may stop beating or may beat erratically, and breathing often stops. The heart may beat again on its own, but if breathing has not restarted, the body is deprived of oxygen. The lack of oxygen and, possibly, nervous system damage can cause the heart to stop beating again.

very kind of u to take the time out and post. My exam is on the 27th and im over being nervous. you know when u reached the climax on fraying ur nerves? i reached that (my Tmax haha) so now im just cool..whatever happens will happen
I had a question about the prolactinoma and what nerve is affected...i seem to be drawing a blank..can anyone give some input please? Thanks Smile
prolactinoma(pit adenoma) CN II
What kind of comment is that quakerone?because I dont know how to take it! for good or for bad! If you dont like that we help each other get out of the forum and dont come back.....Im taking it for wrong......
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