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Pt , an immigrant with AIDS is admitted with pneumonia---AFBX3 is negattive---* days lter, culture showa growth but non0tuberculosis. Pt was given HAART in hosp. since CD<80. Addition of which drug would have prevented this culture result////
A=clarithro dialy
B--INH x 9 mth
C---pentamidine aero
is it E or B?
i think AAAA
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare is non-tuberculous mycobacterium, and fairly resistant to anti TB drugs, but sensitive to macrolides, both azithro and clarithro

i am torn between A and D!!!

my final answer: D

just because CD4 count is 80...

when CD4 count drops below 100 oppurtunistic fungal infections risk increases....
corect ans. is Aaaaaaaaaaa