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Full Version: q4 - 2confused2bdoctor
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A 40-year-old man received an orthotopic cardiac transplant 7 years ago to treat a dilated cardiomyopathy. Since that time he has been healthy, with no episodes of rejection or infection. Over the next year, however, he develops fatigue with exercise. He has worsening pedal edema and orthopnea. On physical examination, his vital signs are T 37.0 C, P 78/minute, RR 16/minute, and BP 130/70 mm Hg. There are no murmurs, rubs, or gallops audible. Bibasilar crackles in the lungs are audible. Which of the following conditions is most likely to account for these findings?
A Myocarditis
B Pulmonary hypertension
C Mitral valvular stenosis
D Coronary arteriopathy
E Angiosarcoma
F Constrictive pericarditis

mmm dont know maybe Myocarditis?
no clue


Coronary arteriopathy ??
D is the answer. By 5 years following cardiac transplantation, nearly all patients have some degree of small coronary vascular narrowing. This produces the equivalent of an ischemic form of cardiomyopathy.
wow my concept work here, thanksSmile
Good job Okt3...and thnx 2c2bd:-)