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Full Version: q8 - raji_321
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During a physical examination, a physician asks a patient to say "Kuh, kuh, kuh," "La-la-la," and "Mi-mi-mi." The patient is unable to say "la" but says the other two sounds correctly. A lesion of which of the following cranial nerves is most strongly suggested by these findings?
C. X
CC?? unable to elevate cos of palatoglossus
La la la> D

kukuku> E hypoglosus

mimimi: A

X... sorry i didint see the option.. .thats lalala.

The correct answer is E. Saying "la" requires the tongue to be placed against the roof of the mouth, which can not be accomplished if the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) is non-functional. CN XII innervates the intrinsic muscles of the tongue.

The facial nerve, CN VII (choice A), is needed to move the lips while saying "mi." CN VII innervates the muscles of facial expression.

The vestibulocochlear nerve, CN VIII (choice B), mediates hearing and maintains equilibrium and balance.

The vagus nerve, CN X (choice C), is needed to raise the palate while saying "kuh."

The spinal accessory nerve, CN XI (choice D), mediates head and shoulder movements.
how do we say aah? that wud involve palatoglossus?

i hope these are the ones which are the IgM questions(i mean the ones sponged out),i`m getting everything wrong Sad Sad hope not all of raji`s questions come in exam Sad

my first aid says it like i wrote it... your source is kaplan i can assume..??

which one do i take as correct??
la la la couldnt be XI thats for sure.. spinal accessory only neck
no joannitam, try it urself..uttering the consonant L wud require ur tongue tip to touch ur palate.M would bring the lips together...

have a dount about aah..if anyone cud clear
palatoglossus is tongue m. so i dont think it is involved in aah.. but nerve responsible is vagus X
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