I have been invited for a second look a the program that i'm interested in as my number one and i donno if this means it's going to be another interview. Do I have to go prepared with questions and answers? Do I wear a suit? Should I let them know that I plan on ranking them number one? Please help.... this is my first second look and I have no idea what to do!
Thank you!
I don't remember too well, but I think they don't give prematches. And doesn't it sound too desperate to ask for a prematch?
is there anyone who would answer the questions i asked? pleeeeaaaassssee????
Different programs have different schedules for sec look. the one i visited:it was a weekend if fun n games so as to interact with residents. It was a casual affair. Its best tp gve the co-ordinator a call and ask what the likely schedule for the day is. what the dress code is etc etc,
N they usualy invite a lot of people so u;re not the only one there.They jus want to know u better and so that they can see if u interested in them. offcourse if u get to talk to PD do tell thwm how much u like the program n that u wud love t be there blah blah
actually, i don't think it's going to be fun and games for me.... the coordinator told me to bring a white coat... did anyone have to bring a white coat to their second look? i'm a little nervous about maybe they'll make me examine a patient and then make me present to them.
Hi needusmlehelp, can you tell which state the program is in? I might be able to help you. My e-mail id is: munna2012
ok munna, i just emailed u. please let me know what you know. even if it's not the same state, did u get a second look requiring a white coat?
hey munna, my email to u got rejected and it got returned to me. anyway, my 2nd look is in NJ... can u share what u know? needusmlehelp
Hi my second look consisted of meeting the PD in morning, then going for rounds with a team (that had the other attending in it- also a member of the residency committee), then attended noon conference, went back to the floors with the resident, asked him questions, saw the hospital etc. Then before leaving around 5pm, I met the PD again, and showed my interest in the program, they offer no prematches though.