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Full Version: cvs - medchris
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what is the difference between heart rate and ventricular rate?
you should post this q on the step 1 forum....maaaaaybeeee someone can help there...Smile
tough question though!!!!!????
medchris - 02/02/08 05:29

anyone here knows the diffrence btwn fibrillation and flutter in CVS ? thanks
there is a certain pattern to your QUESTION asking routine......

if it is sinus rhythm,and no block,HR=vent rate.sinus node is pacemaker and its rate is HR.if there is block,e.g;200 p wave ,but 100 qrs.the HR is 200.vent rate is 100
HR is a general term. Usually the peripheral pulse represents HR.
VR, AR, SNR specifies the origin of the HR