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Full Version: NBME (discussion) - raji_032
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The 17- year old boy shown in the photograph is brought to the physician after having a tonic-clonic seizure. Which of the following addtional findings is most likely to be disclosed on detailed history-taking?
(picture shows a boy with severe acne)

A. Episodes of hypomania
B. Episodes of depression
C. Family history of alcoholism
D. Special education beginning in first grade
E. Special education beginning in tenth grade
wow raji... this must be form 4 question...
no joannitam its from form 1 section 3

i think this must be a case of XYY because of acne.. i have doubt between D and E...
they have MR but it is mild.. do they need special education beginning from first grade???
i thought the same thing about XYY... acne...

i really dont know... if i had to choose i would say D. but i dont know.

why dont u think that the acne is a side effect of medication....
I havent seen the picture but lithium and phenytoin cause acne
that is a good point also...lopo...

am gettin scared of the NBMESad..
both the things make sense...The xyy and the drug side effect,,
wat is it?
it is good point lopo.. but i excluded lithium because i didnt know if lithium toxicity could cause tonic clonic seizures.. and patient is presenting with seizures.. there are no options for phenytion.. and these drugs have other imp. side effects.. and they gave picture of a boy...
it could be a drug.. but not sure..

hi bergkamp.. which option is that???
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