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I didn't get any email
I haven't received this survey.
haven't recieved it.. logged on to nrmp.. and my ROL is still there.. (can't change anything on it), but it does say that it is certified
thats so wierd i just got the survey
like what it said "...all applicants in the 2008 Main Residency Match". Im sure evryone will get it
just hold your horses.. it might be your email server delay.. every1 will eventually recieve it..
I received one. It was sent at:

Subject: NRMP Applicant Survey
Date: 2/27/2008 10:55:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

here is the mentioned link:
just got it as well
call me a paranoid but i still have not received the survey email. i am really starting to get nervous !!!

just curious, but where are you and when did you certify your rol?
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