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Full Version: NRMP mail - gmail
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Check your SPAM. I was surprised to see it in my SPAM even though I had previous communications from NRMP to my inbox!
nothing in my spam. I guess applicants get it on a random basis!
it's only for US Seniors............not for IMGs
Hey I am IMG, so maybe its only for IMGs, maybe its a reality check for everyone to check the spam setting on your email again. Good luck to everyone and I hope this survery email means nothing..
Its just a survey 3 questions and nothing special about it. Why panic, common guys !
I got the survey right now
Hey, I got it.nothing special n will send to everyone.
Did any US citizen Img get this NRMP survey email? Because my US citizen IMG friends did not get it yet. Any input is appreciated. Thanks
I am IMG, US sitizen ,I got this email,but it is not important.
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