Hi all!
Is high Yield Neuroanatomy supposed to be read for Step 1?
Can anybody plzzz post the soft copy if u have one?
or get Road Map Neuroscience- both are shorter and simpler versions tahn reading Kaplan
road map is same as kaplan
contactdrjhana for HY neuro
Hi jhana,
I tried sending mail to the email id, contactdrjhana
But it is not going through..cud u help me out?
thanks in advance.
i would like to have a link of road map neuroanatomy.....i heard that is really good after read kaplan
i think kap neuro is terrible,all the neuro i know is from HY (JAMES D.FIX) or Roadmap Neuroscience.
BRS HY NEUROANAT BY FIX IS SOOOO GOOOOOOOD, VERY GOOD DIAGRAMS,and roadmap neuroanat,also very good diagrams and clinical cases along with them.
loved it,dnt waste time on kaplan neuro,unless you want to sabotage your remaining grey cells
just an opinion
take care
hi actually Can u plz email me
Does any1 hv Neuroanat CT /MRI /Brain cross sections pics? where we hv to identify stuff?
i like HY neuro.. get the latest edition cuz it had mri n arteriograms..
good luc,
Pls email the said resources to me at gmek88 as well, and help out a friend in trouble. Thank you.