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Full Version: nbme2. tough one. - biochem2
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BDJ, thanks a lot. i wish u would be on this forum more often so tht we can clear some more doubtsSmile but i know u r done with your test. thanks a lot, and good luck with the future.
I M SORRY -- i agree with BDJ
SORRY ----biochem
i missed diarrhoea word in history
answer is CC
no prob cuteangel, thanks for participating in the discussion.
YW biochem I stop by every now and then. If you have questions email me bdjdoc_2007 I check email twice a week at least
Best of lucks to you all!!!
thnks bdj, will email u.
and he's not crying b/c he's hungry....he's crying b/c he's THIRSTY Smile
Now the vignette has been solved Smile
these r urinary lab values. so na could be 163 in DI. ????? is it possible?
yes ximfoom it is he's loosing everything but more water than sodium, at some point things begin to screw up... kidney will try to continue keeping Na in b/c that allows for water to be pulled inside but it doesn't matter it will still leak out b/c of the DI. So NaU can be high (water brings Na out inevitably) but despite that dinsity is still very low b/c when you compare vol vs concentration there's way much free water there...Am I making sense to you? I know this for sure had a couple of patients like this so I'm telling you first hand! Smile
bdj thanks for the response. thanks for email also Smile
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