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Full Version: Too late for some people on this forum - nrmpviolations
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"Note: Any contact between programs and unmatched applicants (or their designees) prior to 12:00 noon eastern time Tuesday, March 18, 2008, is a violation of the Match Participation Agreement. Contact between programs and matched applicants prior to the general announcement of 2008 Match results at 1:00 pm eastern time Thursday, March 20, 2008, also is a violation of the Match Participation Agreement"

A resident friend told me that their program has already reported 2 folks to NRMP for asking about there rank positions.
" Although applicants and programs may volunteer how they plan to rank each other, it is a breach of this Agreement to request such information. "

"A resident friend told me that their program has already reported 2 folks to NRMP for asking about there rank positions"

Why would they report it??? Seems kinda stringent to me -- I personally didn't ask -- but for those who did, couldn't the program director have just said, "I can't tell you".. and it seems fair to ask the program if they were ranked..

just my 2 cents.
Well I guess that some PC's and PD's are too fixated on the "agreement" may be this lead to reporting.

In my view majority people take this "NRMP agreement very seriously"
Following rules is part of American culture. Some Americans hate people who break rules so much that they will report to the corresponding authority.
well this is common sense. atleast for rest of us we still have 10 days not to make a mistake.
Well that is the purpose of this post that anybody who has still not done this refrains from contacting programs till the 20th
I know how anal most people are on this forum so I'm bumb'ing it so everyone can read and just wait till monday.
till the 20th
how someone know that program has reported nrmp for asking ranking?
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