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4. 5 yr boy urinating bright red blood 1 hr ago. Taking ibuprofen since injuring right flank 1 day ago. Taking penicillin for 3 days for strep pharyngitis. Temp 36.7, BP 90/48, pulse 108, resp 18. PE: purple ecchymoses over shins and right flank. Tenderness of right costovertebral area. Urinalysis: gross blood, 5-10 leukocytes/hpf, numerous RBC. Explanation for hematuria?
a. Acute pyelonephritis
b. Ibuprofen-induced acute papillary necrosis
c. Post-strep glomerulonephritis
d. Rhabdomyolysis
e. Traumatic injury to kidney

5. 42 yrs man. Smoke 1.5 pack daily for 20 yrs, quit for 10 yrs. Father died of myocardial infarction at 65. Weight: 93 kg, height 178 cm. BP: 160/110, pulse 96, resp 16. PE (-). Lab: cholesterol 206. Greatest risk for cerebral infarction?
a. Generic profile
b. Smoking history
c. Hypercholesterolemia
d. Hypertension
e. Obesity

6. 24 yr student w/ jaundice for 1 day. Recent anxiety over upcoming tests. Temp 37, BP 120/80, pulse 76, resp 12. PE: scleral icterus. Lab: Hb 15, WBC 7000, Platelet 240,000, ALP 90, AST 23, ALT 27, Bilirubin total 3.5, direct 0.7. Diagonosis?
a. Acute toxic hepatitis
b. Alcoholic hepatitis
c. Cholangiocarcinoma
d. Chronic idiopathic cirrhosis
e. Common bile duct calculus
f. Congestive hepatitis
g. Gallstone pancreatitis
h. Gilbert?s syn.
i. Infectious hepatitis
j. Intravascular hemolysis
k. Primary billiary cirrhosis

Answers -

C, D, H