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4. A 13-year-old girl is brought to the emergency
department because
of shortness of breath for 2 hours. The symptoms
began after consuming
chili, cornbread, and fruit salad with strawberries,
kiwi, and bananas.
She has a 1-year history of shortness of breath while
playing soccer or
baseball and uses a bronchodilator inhaler as needed
while exercising.
She is allergic to penicillin and pineapples. Her
blood pressure is
80/60 mm Hg, pulse is 120/min and regular, and
respirations are 20/min
with use of accessory muscles. Examination of the
lungs shows poor air
entry bilaterally with diffuse expiratory wheezes.
Which of the
following is the most appropriate initial

) Inhaled bronchodilators

) Inhaled cromolyn sodium

) Inhaled ipratropium bromide

) Intravenous corticosteroids

) Subcutaneous epinephrine
hi he has diffuse expiratory wheezes.. why not asthma?
With a low BP and tacchycardia,(120) bpm,I would think she is allergic to something she ate and thas causing her the SOB I could be wrong but I think EEEE will be the correct answer,and also she prob.needs some vasopressor support for her low BP
Vote for E.
what's the correct answer for this one?
E. she has atopy hx, plus with the exercise induced asthma. this is angioedema i believe, subcutaneous epinepherine.
D. what about ' corticosteroid ' for the anaphalasis? IV steroid works faster and it can stop further...allergic reaction with the allergen ( already in the body )?
the child's HR is already 120/mins...?
correct me...thanz!
its D. with a pulse of 120/min cant give epi.
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