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dissapointed, pl people who passed step 2 reply me

i finished ccssa form 1 and got 330 my exarm is in one month , i am very much upset with my score , when i did the exrm i felt that i can score arround 5oo, is the real exarm same as like ccssa, and i don't know which one i got wrong,and which i got right bec 50% qs i felt it was correct while i was doing the exarm, how can i improve my score , pl give me advice and i got 65% in kaplan cd , studing last 6 months, tell me how can i improve my score , change my study palne, thank u

Read crush step-2 at least thrice and go through kaplan video highlites atleast twice. Also do atleast 75% of the questions from USMLEworld( if you are taking the exam within a month). When you have 5 days left for the exam take form-2 and see how you score on that. If you get less than 420 on that it is pretty risky, though there are other factors like good sleep before the night of exam and what pattern of paper you get. Ultimately there is no corelation between any scores. I scored 400 on form 1 and 500 on form-2 just two days before the test and got 220/89 on the actual test.

But I know ppl who scored 380 getting 82 on the test and 410 just passing. There was another person who scored 340 1 month before and passing the test though I don't konw his score. So everything is possible. Don't be disaapointed, read well this month and you will do well. Good Luck.
reply to hoski

thanks a lot for u're advice and made me comfort, do u think if i post phone the exarm i can score well. how is usmleworld mcq , what are the sources u used for mcq, u got good score, how long u prepared , if u hve time pl reply me , i only used kaplan lecture, didn't read anything else, dermatplogy and opthalmoly what 's the book i can use??, i sored badly with pediatrics and psychatry in ccssa? pl reply me my e mail
reply to hoski

reply to hoski - - 05/05/04 21:14
thanks a lot for u're advice and made me comfort, do u think if i post phone the exarm i can score well. how is usmleworld mcq , what are the sources u used for mcq, u got good score, how long u prepared , if u hve time pl reply me , i only used kaplan lecture, didn't read anything else, dermatplogy and opthalmoly what 's the book i can use??, i sored badly with pediatrics and psychatry in ccssa? pl reply me my e mail

Hi, Sorry for the delay in replying. I didn't check this forum till today. Well the decision to postpone your exam is always a tough one. I would advise you to postpone your exam only if:
You are not working and not concentrating on any Masters program etc. In other words if only studying is your job right now you could try potponing your exam to bring down the pressure a little and become more thorough with the subjects. You are still ahead for 2005 match. In case you are short pressed for time, don't worry prepare well and one month should be enough.

My Mcq sources were usmle world, Kaplan Q bank, Q book, MKSAP 12, NMS, CCSSA. I prepared over a period of 6 months but only effective one month studying as I was working full time plus doing a masters course side by side. I didn't read any Dermat or Optho books, for that crush step-2 (latest Edition) was sufficent. I used Forbes atlas for pictures.

The things that really helped me were:
Kaplan Highlites
Kaplan notes
Usmle world Qns
Crush Step-2

One more note: I read Psych very well from High yeild and the video highlites for Psych really helped me very well. And on CCSSA I did well on Psych. But real exam I scored badly in Psych and Cardio. Also read preventive medicine very well from kaplan esp the last 3 chapters. They are very HY and would boost your score .

Good Luck.

what is ccssa?
is it something new in step2ck?
plz reply

i am really thankfull for u're advice, i will tak e my exarm in one month without postponing , prepare my best,
what is kaplan preventive medicine , is that step 2 book or step 1, only i found preventive medicine in medicine kaplan book , is there a seperate book for preventive medicine?


It is included with Psych and Epi, Biostats book of kaplan.

To Friend:
CCSSA is a mock test available online at

I found the qns on it closest to real exam.
need usmle world mcq

where to buy usmleworld mcq

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