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Full Version: all FM matched candidates gather here - computeruser
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i matched at my top choice.......HCMC, MN
me also Fm in Tx, thank God!!!!
me at North memorial, Mn.

fm in tx

Let me ask you this. do you think step 3 helps ?
hey computer user


im also in minneapolis

and tried for their transitional position during the scramble

but was a wee bit late

u a citizen ??

congrats once again
hey congrats for those who matched but please help us who didnt match i have a ques to ask how to get usce shall i go n meet the program director and ask him/her or find out from someone any clue??
also shall i go for research is that gona help its better than nothing i believe right
luckydog.......yes step 3 definitly helps, but i have not taken it yet.

drsteve. yes i am a us citizen

numita......go for usce....that is always better than research bcoz u can make contacts, get strong us lors and this will definitly put u a step ahead of those without usce. if u have time for research than do it, but usce comes first.
I matched to my first choice, FM in Florida
come guys where are the rest of the Family physicians out there. keep posting guys
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