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he was really mad that i had stayed in the US for 6 months (although i didnt over stay) he made a very big deal of it, and told me "its people like you who are refused visas....."

i have traveled to so so many countries in my life, and lived half mylife in one and half in another- i have gotten so many visas, but never ever have I had a visa consular talk so rudely to me for no reason. I STILL DONT Understand why he was so cheesed off- he didnt see any of my papers just the 156 157 and 158 with my DS 2019..... not the cover letter from ecfmg or the resident contract- nothing- just started firing at me!--- i dont know what he was rtying to wasnt the nicest of experiences, anyhow, i didnt argue with him, but he said i was "taking advantage of them" - i guess cos i have a long standing multiple entry visa to the US already and now i am asking for a J1.

I explained that i had exams to take from there and over 15 interviews, but he was not interested.....wouldnt even listen to the rest of my answer but would go on and on about me taking advantage of the system....

In the end, after such rude words he did grant me the visa, which was the main aim of the interview, so you could say it was successful, but in its entirity, it was not a pleasant experience whatso ever....


hey duckie all is well that ends well ,so dont bother .all the best

it doesnot relly matter if you got what were looking for. best wishes in your life

Hey Duckie,
Sorry to hear about your experience. But it ended well, I have heard that a lot of MDs from Pakistan are being rejected because of having stayed for 3-6 months for interviews, etc, so you are definitely better off in the sense that you got the visa. Enjoy the rest of your time with your family before embarking on your next journey! Good luck.

Don't scream too loud on here duckie. Your visa can still be revoked. As others said just be happy you got it. Accepting crap and occasional degradation is part of the deal. Unfortunately it comes as a package duckie and believe me it is only just starting...wait till you start your residency!

As you say, all's well that ends well!

Just that I didnt realize that it would ceese them off if you stay for 3-6 months. I mean, for interviews and all, thats needed. and if you do your CSA then you stay for step 3..... its a long process.
I thikn that thety should understand that....

Well, as long as everyone is aware of the whole thing- that they dont like you staying too long..... I didnt know!

Right then, good luck to everyone!