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Hi wise Duckie,
Do you have any idea about how difficult is to get a preliminary internal medicine or transitional year?
I've heard that these are pretty difficult because all the applicants are those who are competing for top residency positions.
Anyway, I am making my list of places that I am going to apply and I have no idea that how many places I have to apply to be safe? You know the worst possible scenario is that someone get the advanced position but not the preliminary!!!
I've already told you about my scores and my citizenship and probably you remember that, so I really appreciate if you give me your opinion in my case?

where are you duckie?!!!!!!

sorry, for being away, had some work and internet problems....
we had a really wild thunderstorm that played havoc with the wiring...
so indian!!

anyways, sorry sami, i didnt reply for a while...
um...preliminary.....try SUNY downstate NY, and as I said before , big cities....
I understand that prelim position finders are out looking for big residencies, but i havent really heard that theres a shortage of prelim spots. Also, I am wondering if you get the categorical IM and do just one year, would it be the same as a prelim year? (apart from the fact that you will cheese off the program director you are working with in IM)

I will try and find out more about the prelim situation , and up date you

Thanks Duckie,
Do you know exactly what happens if I get categorical and then quit after a year? I didn't think about this before.
anyway, If you find out more about preliminary or transitional, I'll appreciate to let me know .

I asked someone about the prelim positions. They say its pretty wde open and there shouldnt be much of a problem at all in getting a prelim position, and then your scores are immaculate!

what subject do you want in the end? eg if you want Ophthal, you can do a prelim ior atransitional year- you can do it in IM or Gen Surgery- there are so many choices.
ABout the categorical, if you quit after a year, you will really cheese off the Pro director of IM or whoever you are under as that guy will have to find a PGY2 person to fil your spot. Of course he cant stop you from leaving but you wont get any nice LORs from that place and they will feel that you cheated them- get it?
So its not really a good option, but if you have nothing else, you could do it. Personally, its just an idea, but I wouldnt do it if I were you- cos its like cheating on them-
I know that Pro Directors are so so helpful- if you are honest and sincere with resident was telling me that she interviewed as a categorical and then a few days before the match she decided she wanted preliminary- and she called him and said " please please plesae will you consider me for a prliminary position Sir" - and he did, and she matched as preliminary.....
so the important thing is to be open and honest..... they will help you. You have great great scores, I am sure anyone will accomodate you however you want!!