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Hi Duckie,i'm new in this forum and i just went through some of ur posts & found out them very helpful.well,first congrats for ur residency and visa,then i have a q,do u know how i can change my B1/B2 visa to F1 to stay longer in the US,as i want to attend interviews...for example can i get a kaplan course for step3 or any course in college to stay more and how long does it take to change the visa?is it worth to talk to a lawyer before leaving?
i really appreciate ur reply

sorry for replying so late- i have ben having internet problems.

I dont think you should change your B1- B2 status and stay on toolong.
Tell me , do you have a ,ultiple entry visa or is it just single entry B1- B2?

The kaplan course people will not give you a visa to attend the course. However, When i attended Kaplan I found that they had kept some of their students as lecturers and advisors and given them jobs while they completed their requirements for residency- that way you can get a Visa.
Maybe you could go to the nearest Kaplan ceter, and talk about your situation with some students who are in teaching positions there. I dont think anyone would be too helpful oln the fone....

I was given grief by the visa consulor while i applied for my J1 because I stayed for a good long 6 m onths on my tourist visa (though i didnt over stay)
Please do talk to a lawyer- it cannot hurt. there are many things we do unawares, that may hurt in the long run.
My husbnad had gone back to our home country after CSA and he was invited for interviews, however he was refused a visa for the interviews, and so never managed to go again. He had to finish his residency in our home country....


thanks a lot Duckie for reply,well,that's single-entery,but i don't know how long i can stay there...
i wish u all the best for ur residencySmile

The max stay would be 6 months on a single entry tourist visa, but you will have to check what has been stamped on your I 94.

Good Luck

6mo will be more than enough to do interviews and step3...but i don't know how i can increase my chance of getting that,as i already asked visa for 4-5 days....

Its only when u get to USA, u will get an entry of 6 months on a I-94 card, even if u r stamped for One day visa in your home country.

let me explain to you, tulip how it works

When you ask for the tourist visa B1/B2 (I think B2 is more appropriate, you are going to take an exam and not to visit, anyway, it doesn't matter which they select) you have to specify the period and the reason. The US embassy from your home country will write on your visa the interval they consider enough for your stay and how many entries. That interval starts the day they give you the visa.

You come to the US and in the airplane you have to fill out some forms about reason for coming to the US, visa type and so on. At the american airport where you arrive, they will ask for your passport, they will examine your visa and ask the reason for coming (you have to show them the exam permit if they ask), the coming-back ticket. And they will stamp on your I 94 form (that you filled out in the airplane) and stample it in your passport with your last day in the US.

You should never, never stay longer than the day written on your I-94 form. My advice is: try not to stay longer than the period interval written by your embassy. You can have big problems when you ask next time for a visa. Or let's say it's risky.

What I did: I told to my embassy that I needed 3 months for the exam and interviews (that's right, I told them I would also have to go to interviews), they gave me 3 months for "the CSA exam and hospital visits".
Don't forget that the period interval starts the day you get the visa. So 4-5 days is not a wise request.

thanks alot adonis and lisa for ur help.
good luckSmile