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Full Version: Im stressed please help - inamshiakh
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friends i would really appreciate if someone could help me.
my step 1 date is 23rd june. I havent started studying yet. And I am working too at least 8 hrs a day) In short i am seriously short of time and stressed.

can someone give me a rough idea of how should i divide my time, i mean which subjects to study in detail and what can be left on choice?

i have booked uw for 2 months. I have kaplan dvd's and lecture notes.

and do you read the text first and then watch the dvd or do them seperatly?

no exceptions shaik
u hav to do evrything , no sub is less imp than other.

hav 2 read evrything
if ur basics r very outstanding, u can do it in 2 months, otherwise it is advised to spend some more time for prep.

read kaplan one sub n listen thne u will be stressed abt some imp points in vieos, n annotate if u feel ny point imp.
do FA with second read.
after this do UW q bank,,