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Pages: 1 2
what is the treatment for a Pat with Asthma & PSVT?Adenosinebeta blockerVerapamilalpha blocker

You decide to do CS for 14y old pregnant because of some complication. it is not an emergency, her parents refuse what you do as next?????do not do CS cause parents dont agreeyou do CSyou ask for ethicstake parents a way and do CSyou ask for attorney
MDD pat. On imipramine develop Hypotension doc stop it and prescribed him SSRI. pat came back with sexual deficiency. What do you give him now???citalopramfluoxetineparoxetineCarbamazepineDesipramine
amphetamine Toxicity next step
ca gluconat
HIV pat. with PCP he is in tratment isolated.when you take him out of isolation? when
xray is ok
no clinical symptome

do Cs
cotalopram.... Citalopram has been found to significantly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy,[3] and premature ejaculation.[4] There is also evidence that citalopram may be effective in the treatment of post-stroke pathological crying.[5]

x ray ok?

do cs
what do u give in Asthama and PSVT?

anyone knows?

verapamil adenosin induces bronchospasm
Pages: 1 2