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i have a strang question asked by a friend of mine , if someone can shed some light it would be great.. when you go for the interview are your scores told to other canidates or residents, as this friend of mine as been offered a position, though his scores are not great and he is worried about should he tell the residents, do the residents have access to or do they know the scores of the canidates

It is a private issue.That is why ECFMG needs your permission.I will not let some body know unless it is beneficial to me.

Thats so stupid... trying to hide his/her score even if it is lower than usual. See- thats why ppl are so averse and disliking to IMGs- people like your friend.... Look- if anything, the one thing ppl value most in the US its honesty and truth. If someone actually cares enough to ask your friend- they shouldnt have to lie or hide..... just tell it like it is. Plus ppl who are already in the residency wont care- and ppl who aren't wont be around to ask.

hey dreake no need to get so worked up man, my frined has a score of 82 in step 1 and 84 in step 2, besides having a masters and some reserch in the hospital who has offered him the postion , he has a few publications also i think, the hospital director and chair know his scores and want him to start , i myself am not sure why he is so unhappy about the scores, he feels that that the majority of residents have high 90's score and might question his credibility, so he just asked me if residents knew the scores, and i thought i will post this query little did i know it would upset you so much..these forums are all about supprt and being there for each other ..not to be snobbish, his question is in no way decietful or a lie....he has not lied to anyone.he ia just a bit reluctant to have his low scores(acc. to him) be the center of discussion

sorry drake i made a typo with your name

Hi,Drake we are mature people who knows what is bad and good.In my opinion American graduates will not hate us by such trivial things you mentioned above.In my medical school no body knows your mark unless you your self voluntarly tell to your colligues.In my opinion I do not belive that it is dishonesty not to tell your marks before or during your residency period.

it is indeed a strange question and i think it doesn;t matter what scores you have as long as the PD gives you the job. Don;t tell your residents if you don;t want to. After all it's your right and it's not required. But DON'T LIE about your grades. Coz if they eventually find out you've been lying, then you're the FOOL and the resident outcast. People with low scores get residency positions for a whole lot of other reasons.

I am an IMG with average scores (84, 85) and I did an observership in a program where all FMG residents I met told me their scores, but no American would let me know ("I did well", that's all they said). I also know a couple of 4th year American students ("friends") who don't want to let me know their scores (one says "average", the other one "above average"). So much for American honesty...