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Full Version: visiting the pharaonic country of the king ebnalaf - okt3
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A 36-year-old Caucasian male archeologist who had lived in Egypt for several years presents to his primary care physician complaining of a history of painful urination and some blood in his urine. Ultrasound and intravenous pyelography confirms the presence of a filling
defect in the urinary bladder.
How did the patient most likely acquire his infection?
A) Ingestion of eggs in water
B) Ingestion of larvae in meat
C) Ingestion of oocysts from fecal contamination
D) Skin penetration by cercariae
E) Mosquito transmission of microfilariae
DD.shistoma hematobium
d. schistosmiasis
You are all correct, no need for explanation since every1 passed with 100%.