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Somebody just tried to send me an interview invite for family medicine from wisconscin.
Luckily, I was wary of this e-mail since:
1. I didn't apply for Family Medicine
2. My virus software blocked it.
Be careful about posting your e-mail address on this site, I think someone is trying to screw us over and give us viruses.
GL everyone!

thanks for the advice.

I received same e-mail too, and i did not open it since i did not apply to the hospital in question....may God save us from the hands of peverts.

i recieved email as "here 's the document for interview", luckily survived as my anti virus knocked it down...............
to Rakhal

Have u scheduled your interview at albert einstein for PED? I got an email invitation but they told they have only one date in Nov. Did they tell same thing to u?
Good luck for interviews to all friends

What do "perverts" have to do with anything?

Unless you know something I don't, I haven't gotten an interview from Albert Einstein, though I'm looking for one! haha
Got an interview from SUNY Downstate for Peds today.
But man, would love to interview at Albert Einstein.