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diastolic dysfunction
systolic dysfunction of heart

A) Systolic dysfunction is failur to pumpor contract effectivly due to
1) depressed heart muscle ( Myocardiam) as in post MI ( big one)
2) any process that affect the Myocardiam itself as in Amyloidosis and too many other
3) or the pump may fail due to excessive preload of the ventricles, I mean the end diastolic volum is high as in valvulars regurgitation or the pressure is so high as in valvular stenosis
4) increas after Load as in hypertension and stenosis
5) hear rate : either so slow or so rapid is another cause for uneffective cardiac output
6) high output heart failur as in high metabolic demand that require excessive high flow as thyrotoxicosis, A-v shunting, Paget's disease of the bone, sever anemia and thiamin dif

B)Diastolic Dysfunction, the can pump good but the proble is in filling the LV or the RV during the Diastol, but often time it is the right ventrivle.The reason for that is either the ventricle is unable to relax during the Diastole or the ventricles are NON COMPLIENT ( The heart is stiff)
you see that in uncontroled hypertension for long time which gives LVH ( left ventrivular hypertrophy)
Indiastolic dysfuction the contractilty is preserved, I mean EF can be normal, but in systolic dysfunction the EF is always low.
I hope this give you little refreshment.
correction to above often time it is the left ventricle