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2)child with cerbral palsy with b/l lower limb spastic paralysis unable to walk -----next
treatment-------baclofen/rihzotomy/surgery to break contractures
baclofen.i guess we should go for medical management
make it where are other two options?
these the options,,,,,,,,,,,,,i just copy and paste,,,,,,,,,,,,these r the remembere q
whats the answer
without age of child we cant answer...
Intrathecal insertion of a baclofen pump to treat spasticity - Useful in the patient with diffuse spasticity; the baclofen pump is most useful to help decrease spasticity in the lower extremities and trunk, but it can also decrease spasticity in the upper extremities and improve speech. The degree of improvement in the upper extremities is increased with higher placement of the pump catheter. The dose can be continuously adjusted, with different doses during the day and evening, depending on the patient's needs. The patient requires surgery for placement of the pump and then monthly appointments to refill the pump with intrathecal baclofen.
ok stefan tell us options agewise
Cerebral palsy cannot be cured; its problems are lifelong.

However, much can be done to improve a child's mobility and independence. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and braces may improve muscle control and walking, particularly when rehabilitation is started as early as possible.

Surgery may be performed to cut or lengthen tendons of the stiff muscles that limit motion. Sometimes cutting certain nerve roots coming from the spinal cord (dorsal rhizotomy) reduces the spasticity and may help a few children who were premature, as long as spasticity mostly affects the legs and mental development is good.

Some children with severe spasticity benefit from an implantable pump that provides a continuous infusion of baclofen around the spinal cord, although this technique is still experimental and not widely used.