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Full Version: LOR without DSF - imagination
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Just now i got this from ERAS,,SO dont worry, be catious.

Our records indicate that the LoR from ......was attached to your application on DATE. Submitting your documents without a DSF is not a problem. You do not need send another DSF because due to the volume of mail we receive, we do not have the time to locate your documents in order to attach the DSF. ERAS Support Services processes mail according to the date it is received. In the future, we encourage you to submit all of your documents with a DSF because the DSF allows us to process and scan your documents more quickly.

In the absence of a DSF with your submissions, you would have to make sure that you have included a coversheet with the LoR, or make sure that your AAMC ID was stated somewhere on your LoR; you could hand-write your AAMC ID on the back of your LoR. The absence of the DSF is not a problem. The DSF allows ERAS Support Services to better ensure the timeliness with which your submitted documents are attached to your online application. There may be a minor delay, but your documents would still be processed and scanned after they are received here at ECFMG.


ERAS-Support Services/