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Full Version: Thanks guys.. My Ck score.. - lucidinterval
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I appreciate all the concern and support that you guys have shown the last few months, specially the last couple of weeks prior to my test.

I got my score this morning and it was a 249/99. It's not the highest 99 seen around, but that's ok I guess.. not everyone can get those phenomenal scores. I'm happy for now!

Once again, Thanks everyone...

Cheers and good luck with it all!
L did it
come onn......
I know you are a perfectionist...but be happy..
I'm very happy for you..
Congrats and well done !
congratulations lucid interval and good luck for ur match
my friend my friend... im happy for you...

what makes up exceptional as persons is not represented in scores. and you are an exceptional person. dont forget that.

Thanks guys...

Oh wait.. before bergkamp kills me for the post... I am actuallly over the moon!!! Yeeehaaaaaaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL.... Chill time people, the bottle of champagne is already being chilled and shall be popped later today!
wow, nice sum up by joannitam...and yea..u`ll get to see many below that score too,hehe...congo...go kick some ass in the IVs
hehehe... Smile

I'll celebrate tomorrow... maybe wine for me... comes the 3rd guy as I expected....congrats lucid..partytime! Smile
hey lucid dont ruin it by some "phenomenal score thing",gr8 job and a double 99er,what else!!congratulations and best part is u have done for once all these steps and ready to go.
I told u yesterday u can write 99 on ur application.

plz do share ur prep style with the match friend.
hey lucidinterval

many many congrats buddy
i think u got 99 in step1 to
u r real 99er of usmleforum Smile

many many congrats once again
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