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advance thanks 4 ur help, i realize in this forum.whichs more useful golj. pathology or review of i found in amazon

I am not usmleman but the book that is supposed to be for the boards is Goljan Rapid Review Pathology , keep in mind that a new edition (2004) is coming out in 05/01/2004, so it would be great if you can wait until it is released, good luck.

i have one source of pathology written by Goljan and that is STARS pathology(saunders text and review series) and it is a very time consuming path book, that would take months to read and weeks to review!

the book mentioned by ra is something i havent heard of... but let me ask u a simple question: WHY??

as far as A-rated books for pathology: we have BRS which is an awesome source for answering path in step 1...also pathology audio-lectures by Goljan are everywhere(check classified) that many people -including ra-have recommended.. so choose either one and u will be fine. also FA 2004 section of Path is awesome.

if u have any more questions, pls dont hesitate to ask .. lots of cool people are here in the forum to help and be helped.

i am using the goljan live lecture notes that he gives out to the students to take him for kaplan, it consists of 500 + pages, is this too much ? or should i be studying high yield notes of pharm,path,micro,physio, biochem notes which has 100 pages total?

please someone help, i can't waste anymore time....please