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Full Version: ventilator - guest78
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1. first thing to do after ventilating a patient?

2. ideal tidal volume for an ARDS patient when being ventilated?

3.Ideal PEEP for an ARDS patient ?
ventilation at a rate of 6ml/kg reduces mortality in ards
first thing is to listen for equal breath sounds or CXR to check proper placement of tube.

ideal PEEP is 5

ideal tidal volume on average is 500. there is a calculation i cant recall it right now.

thanks for the Qs.
yes,ideal tv is 6 ml/kg as drguru said
nice.. thanks guest
ARDS patient on ACM ventilation, ABG showing Pa O2 110 mmhg. next step?
reduce pao2 to avoid barotrauma
concept is ok,but how? what will u change dr?
u can either reduce the percent of inspired o2 or respiratory rate depending on the values in the q
anyway i am weak in ventilator stuff kindly post the answer
how do you reduce barotrauma? -> reduce PEEP.
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