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pt get hyperestrogenemia in chronic liver disease?mechanism?
because liver fails to metabolise it ,, correct me ?
"An increase in estrogen production in cirrhosis occurs because of diminished catabolism of androstenedione which increases the extraglandular tissues conversion of androgens to estrogens. The estrogens in excess produces gynecomastia."
and Spider Angiomas for that matter.
Hyperestrgenemia occurs due to inc in portosystemic shunting n dec synthesis of estrogen binding globulin.

~Source UW

i know youre just stating UW fact, but shunting isnt exactly a mechanism of how the estrogens are made. let me know what you think of link.
UW is weird , at least , in this one.

This is wat i learned in step 1 abt dec estrogen metabolism in liver disease.but,was shocked to c UW explanation abt this q.
I think i'll just keep both peripheral conversion, portosystemic shunting, and low eBG in mind, and hope one is the best answer. Smile