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best step to diagnose renal colic due to stones.

1)abd radiograph
2)contrast spiral abd n pelvic CT scan
3)non contrast CT of abd n pelvis
3) abd U/S
sorry ,din pay attention to ur chosen option.
correct answer is
3)NON contrast CT of abd n pelvis.
yes u r right
if question asks 1st step we choose Abd U/S?

What is most common type of Renal Stone and is it Radiolucent/viewable on XRay? (2nd most common?)
calcium oxalate stones r the MC stones.
u/s ll be the 1st step during pregnency
radiolucent stones can be missed on abd XR.

we also do abd U/S to detect stones in pregnant pt.
wats the first step in diagnosing renal stones?
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