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Full Version: does anyone know about the dinner night before iv. - zinnia
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do all programs have this? so what time are we supposed to land there the day before? nobody has mentioned anything about it just understood that there will be?
it's a bar hopping event. booze yourself, its a free
nice one chaos
he hee...yazan..
another dumb question adds to the list....hahaha so much fun here...nuthing personal Zinnia just making ma time go away...until i get few interveiws,......Smile

Not all the programs do this. But most programs, especially the AMG centered ones do this. The objective is actually for your benefit. Contrary to popular belief amongst applicants who feel that the dinner is another way to assess you, the dinner is actually designed so that you can get to know the resident's you may be working with.

However, don't be fooled. There may be some residents at the dinner who are on the Intern selection committee and might report back to the PD. Most of the time non of the resident's will relay anything back to the program. That is unless you make a really good or a really bad impression. In other words, go there, relax, have a good time. Most importantly don't do or say anything foolish.

In terms of getting there...well, the program will tell you when and where the dinner is. Some programs, if they put you up in a hotel, will send a CR to come and get you. Others may simply tell you when to get there.

Most program will ask you if you can make it or not...
thank you vitriol102 for answering my question in a polite and civilised manner.
wish you all the best for the match : )
If i was a program director I would have a few spies at the dinner table.....hehe, I would have a few on this forum too Wink always be mindful of what you say my friends, but don't stress too much during dinner....being natural is the best advice I think
...probably dont drink, no matter how good the crystal looks, and look like you are having a good time.
As vitriol said, I've only heard of this from AMG's
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