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Full Version: PD says thankyou - hellousa
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Hear this

I write a fancy email to the program, writing about my interest in their program and work experience etc. Guess what I get back?

Thank you

Dr. PD

What the hell is this one? High hopes or 25 dollars down the drain? I cant read between the lines.SmileSmile
this is simple thank you
I can see it between.......Thank you and Dr. PD. You have to look real close.

it says "Dumb fool jackass"

Man that guy can write small.
this mean he likes u

deck up and invite urself to make his night hot !
These guys are darned busy, imagine yourself in their situation, downloading maybe 5000 applications a day and counting, every day they hope a nicer candidate shows up. With 10,000 spam mails from eager applicants, then also the 500 they chose to interview, man you're lucky he bothered to reply.