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Full Version: NEUROLOGY Anyone know of any PGY-2 Spots?? - vitriol102
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I'm in IM PGY-2, and I've decided that this field is not for me. Currently, I'm looking for a PGY-2 spot in Neuro. Any help appreciated.

i would like to take your current place. Smile
let me applied to so many programs even if you dont like the speciality...and now you decided its not for you ,,,while taking the chance from someone who really needed it last year....

just bad ethics
Cuowlf - nope, you can't have my place. It's a PGY2 spot

Yazan - it's not bad ethics. You'd do the same if you were in my place. Probably even worse.
no i would not....why didnt you apply for prelim then...

and dont tell me i just realized that IM is not for me....

you should have known before you have applied ...