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Full Version: Applying late - usmleexamtaker
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I have applied late in 3rd week, will that effect my short listings????
some one answer... i should change my name in 3 months time to usmleexamfinisher
Why did you apply so late? You really dont have a chance this year and it may also disqualify you for next year. Its better to apply in 4th week. 3rd week disqualifies you even for the next match. Sorry about that.
i should have taken your advise.. what to do bad luck. Looks like this bad luck of this year going to bit me next year as well. so i dont have chance for 2010 as well so i have to look for 2011 match. I have one doubt do the PD remember me if i apply next year or eras would not allow me to apply next year
What is the point of having last dates of application if you can't apply late, right? It would also depend on your credentials, I guess... These are my own opinion though, not a pro on matching...
bezeemd, at least you are thinking. Good to know that some wise ones are out there.
don't give false info saying he won't be able to apply even next year. you can apply as long as you meet the program deadlines, chances are you may not get an interview
tacrolimus, lighten up a little.. give people some hope...=)
As Long as you apply at least 2 mos before deadlline ...that will be just fine
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