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Full Version: does usmle worth it?please answer my questions - ajm
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Hello .how r u
I had a question:
I will quit studying for the U.K. exams (I mean ILETS & PLAB), after 4 months of study, & may start studying for the USMLE. Inspite that I had more than one relative in England, because they told me that it is very difficult for a doctor to get a job in U.K., may need 6-12 months to get a job & many years (may be more than 5 years) to get postgraduate study . & this all since the citizen of the European Union can get a job in England without the need to have a visa or to pass any exam!! ..

So does this thing is applied to USAis getting a job or postgraduate study that difficult? How much on average somebody need to get a residency job & then postgraduate study...I'll really appreciate if u can answer this question?...thanx a lot
By the way I'm from Iraq .I live in Jordan now
Assalamo alikom brother,
Please e.mail me at redaom and I will give you the answer to the best of my knowledge, Allah make it easy for you insha Allah
dear ajm:There is no garauntee in life!!but i can tell you this,everything is possible in the states, you can come here with a student's visa and after several years run for the governer's office in CA!!! if you are determined and have a great ambition for your job, you definitely are welcome here and succesful indeed.
Thanx for ur offers But on average how much time someone need to find a job ?is it so difficult?
well it depends on scores, US experience and year of graduation.its not very easy here also.for me it took 2 years just to get interviews and still nothing is confirmed .for others years also pass and they dont have jobs .but i cant compare it to UK becasue i dunno the situation there.from this information mayeb you can figure out something i hope.
it is not easy but it is possible. you have to invest a whole lot of money and effort.
how much money on average needed...or how much need for each one??