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Full Version: to every one on the forum plz plz plz help me..... - plano99
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I previously posted my problem.Its like my fiance is in america.and he cant come to pakistan .The only option left with me is to go to US or to marry some one else.We are been engaged since 4 years and at this stage it is really hard for me to marry some one else.I just wana some way out from this situation.What you guys suggest how many chances are there that i can get the visa through Usmle.What you people do think should i take this risk.please guys guide me I will be really really honourd to you people
y dont u apply for a visitor visa and come to the US and get married to him?
2 options fr u get kaplan student visa ok call kaplan usa fr details or pass step i and apply for c s visa ok i heard its v easy to get nowadays ok . hope it helps. one last thing if ure in love ure fiance will break all barriers fr u if not plz dont marry him if he doesnt luv u and waste ure life
u can get a student visa through kapaln,, they are doing that all the time and if u check the site of the US departemnt thats responsible for passports and visas u will find that they are giving the F-1 (student visa) to more people right now in the US and i saw many ppl coming by this way ... Good luck
well thanx for you people to respond..i need one more advice if i applied for kaplan student visa and go on that to USA would i b able to work over there.And also if God forbid that got rejected what are the chances that i can get the visa when i apply after step 1 for CS .like would it effect that.
Go ahead with USMLE step 1 then apply for CS , get the visa letter from your medical college & apply just like normal students do ( by normal i mean who do not have relatives in USA and they struggle on their own ) .
You might get rejection once or twice but ultimately you will get it .
On the other hand if you were interested in steps just because of your fiance then it your choice .

I am no expert in US immigration but why dont he is applying for fiance visa ?
BEST LUCK...... !!
without taking usmle, through kaplan one can get student visa, am I right??????
thanks in advance for everybody's reply