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Full Version: **LA from Aug-Oct, Who is still waiting?** - justmeoriginal
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Lets see if we can get some idea how many of us who took the exam in LA from Aug-Oct (ONLY) are still wiating for the results. I am one of them.

1- Justmeoriginal
i took exam on aug end.oasis and adt is updated.waiting for mail.
I took the exam in LA on Sep 1st. no update on OASIS & ERAS.
1- Justmeoriginal
2- Kooka
Me too. Took the exam on LA on august 24th.
OK so far just the three os us


Anyone else?
Hi Ebrace I also took my cs in LA on 24 aug , My oasis is updated ,but no mail . So I am confused. very tense.
I am also waiting. No update anywhere. I appeared on Aug 6 at LA. Really scared....
OK so far just the three os us

1-Justmoriginal. LA Aug 18
2-Kooka. LA Sept 1st
4-Rashid. LA Aug 6

Anyone else?
not me bt my friend who took at atlanta Oct 24. no updates.
Well guys, so far we have 30 people who passed in LA and 6 that are still waiting for results ( 2 other guys that are still waiting but didnt put their name here). Thats 20%, of course this is hardly accurate statistics. It must be very close to what ECFMG says they have kept for quality control, 20%. Now the question to follow is, are these kept results random? I quess we will find out more next thursday morning when thewy release some or all of that 20%. So far though, we have not heard of anyone failing in LA. Well, maybe one! gl to all
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