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Full Version: Waiting for Resuls Cs/Chicago Nov 18? Anyone ? - roko
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I did my exam on Nov, I am waiting like crazy, Did I pass?
or NOt, this waiting is killing me, I been loosing 20 pounts, because of so much worry.
If I do not pass, I will lose one year, because Mach will not be available for me, OH, GOD help us.
Anyone in the same Boat???
Did some one has any news from Chicago Results. today.???
please post advise.
Thanks, and Good Luck to all.
het Roko,

take it easy, man!
i took the exam in chicago (august) and just got the mail this week, I passed, we all have waited for 5 months!!!! so try to relax and wait, I know it's hard, but just imagine how we felt all this time.

Good luck!
YOU KNOW:folks who freak out the most always pass....what a drama
hey NOV 11 waiting for update
all the best
i want to know who took cs on 15 Sept,and got the result. that day w were about 22 individauls in AM section, it will be interested to know those in hold are single inviduals or whole the section,.
I took the CS in Chicago on Sept 21. Still awaiting results.
Any updates?
GL everyone.