Patient on heparin for DVT of right leg develops stroke on post op day 7,confirmed by CT. next best test
a.Doppler right leg
b. venography right leg
d.cartoid doppler
since DVT of the right leg was established before with CT.
venography to do embolectomy
TEE will be a good idea to check for PFO,but imp is to prevent further occurences
Does DVT cause stroke?
I know DVT causes PE but stroke will be rare?
If I am wrong , pls correct me.
THank u.
I think yes,
If part of it break off , becoming an embolus , can cause stroke.
Pls correct me if I am wrong.
it causes stroke if there is defect in heart taking venous blood directly from rt to left side,like PFO(patent foraman ovale) causing paradoxical emboli,thats why TEE needed to look for that.
i think it hemarrhagic stroke,who is on heparin...ct confirm bleeding,then do carotid doppler for vessel identify and to stop the bleed......