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A 65 yrs old patients was brough to your office with weakness in his rt lower leg. you asked the patient to raise his left hand up, but noticed that the patient was unable to follow the command. He looked frustrated because he was able to understand what you said .. but was not able to do what you said to do , what is the most like vascular lesion in this patient ..

1. Posterior cerebral artery

2. Middle cerebral artery

3. Anterior cerebral artery

4. Anterior posterior cerebellar artery
333 aca
yeah it must b ACA..lower limb weakness..again i scrwed up
you guys are very good at neuro ..... ACA ... lower limb wekaness + transcortical apraxia
but why leg and hand weakness on different side?
to juneflower
thre is no lt hand weakness , th pt has apraxia i.e : has no motor defficient but cannot follow command and her is the tricky of this q
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