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Full Version: Email from GME orientation program: - canada2009
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I got this following email today. It was from some orientation program: Did anybody else got it and what does this mean?
xxx(PC) removed you from course: 2009 XXX(Hospital name) GME Orientation
did u iv there?
yeah happysoul123, I iv there and I was a student there
did anybody else got this email from their programs/ they ived at. I think they added me to their orientation list and removed me. When will the programs know who matched into their program.
hi canada2009, from what you say it does seem like they put you on the list and then took you off. but rest assured, even the programs do not know who matched with them till next week. its probably just some overzealous PC who was trying to get GME orinetation list out of the way before she should/could have. Don't worry, good luck for the match!
I am wondering if they rank me?
Should I email the PC to ask her what is the purpose of the letter?
why is it so hard for people to just relax and wait until next week....every single question will be answered on its own next week...just wait
Can somebody please let me knoe if they had received similar email/ please.
Can somebody please let me knoe if they had received similar email/ please.
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