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Full Version: NBME2 Block4 Q32 - ritonavir
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Two days after a cholecystectomy, a 42-year-old
woman has
shortness of breath. Her temperature is 37.5 C (99.5
F), blood pressure is
110/70 mm Hg, pulse is 103/min, and respirations are
24/min. There is
abdominal tenderness. Examination shows no other
abnormalities. An
x-ray film of the chest shows minimal linear markings
in the right lower
lobe. Arterial blood gas analysis on 45% oxygen

pH 7.41
PCO2 40 mm Hg
PO2 52 mm Hg

Which of the following is the most likely explanation
for her hypoxia?

) Acute respiratory distress syndrome

) Atelectasis

) Congestive heart failure

) Fat embolism syndrome

) Pneumonia

) Pneumothorax
we usually see atelectasis on Post operative day 1....
After 24 hours means it should be either ARDS or Pneumonia I guess...
Correct me if I am wrong..
What is the correct answer?
Probably bile leaking after an open cholecystectomy. I'd go with ARDS.
B on x ray post diuretic therapy /only residual changes can appear like linear shadows on x ray so cant be ARDS it is plate atelectasis
) Atelectasis

No physical signs for Acute respiratory distress syndrome