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Full Version: Residency Swap - drdoc500
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hey guys i came across a website called residency swap. Basically if someone is willing to switch locations with you, you can switch. For example, If resident A wants texas but is in NJ and resident B wants NJ but is in texas, they can switch...I don't know how legitimate this is, or if its even allowed. Can anyone shed some light on this, because if its real I am interested.
Can someone please give me advice or insight on this place...I may seriously need to switch locations due to dire family issues...If I can't then I may have to give up my residency position. Any truthful honest advice about the service, be it negative or positive, would be helpful.
in to what year and to what state do you want to swap to?
well my number one "preference" is Texas, cuz its close to my wife and, but Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, even as far as Arizona,

I am a first year for IM

I am thinking that maybe because the year hasn't started yet, that might help
Louisiana here. what state are you wanting to swap out of? are you in first year now or will be starting?
well I start in July.....I want to swap out of NJ
Hey drdoc500,
how possible is it to swap positions in residency, i.e. to switch the position with other resident in other program? Is it allowed?

Please forward me some info.

Hi all,

I also want to know whether residency swap really works.
hey drdoc 500, I am in same situation the only thing is states of swap are different.
I am thinking to buy the subscription for residency swap but not sure does it really works and especially if you are on any particular visa??
one of my frnz had the same issue. he tried his best to swap from a good program in im in ny to a very bad program in a remore area (to be close to family). he applied in match true eras for pgy2...he even spoke with some programs for any possible pgy1 (repeating his pgy1), didnt get any call...i was thinking it wud be easy to swap or change after pgy1?seems it is tricky. i am not sure wht service he used.
The catch is once you get someone to swap with you, you and that person have to face your PD's and ask for the transfer. Both PD's must agree and have you both cleared by NRMP. Or else you both will be in violation. And may risk being barred.
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