what if
1. she get exposed to rubella
2. she gets infected with rubella
1. Check titre ---> if Ab present --->nothing
if no Ab: gibe varicella IG within 3 days ---> after pregnancy give vaccine
2. VZIG is ineffective now...so conservative mgmt, with fetal follow up for complication
harry mahi asked ribella.u telling varicella.
check titre---- IgM (acute). if IgG-----check in 7 days-----4 fold increase----fetus exposed-----amniotic pcr----+--- chances of rubella v. high in first tri----therapeutic abortion
2/3 tri---- cont. preg.
I think if titer + and no imuunization during 1st trimester then consider elective abortion. if, 2nd or 3rd trimester then expectant management. Please correct me if im wrong here.