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Full Version: Where to write step 3???? - gurkhaboy
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Dear Friends,

Okay, so I just passed Step 2 ck and got ecfmg certified Smile

But now I am so lost.

Where is the best place to go write Step 3????? NY, Conne., Texas????? Where should one go?

Please answer people, I have tried to figure this out but still lost.

CT is the easiest
I heard you can only write Step 3 in a few states before starting residency. All the other states require some residency training before allowing you to take it..

So my question is this:

Suppose I take Step 3 in a state that does not require some residency training.. such as Texas for example.. if I want to go do residency or practice in Georgia (where they require some residency training prior to Step 3).. will I be able to do residency or practice there or will they not count my Step 3?

What happens if they don't count it? I have to retake it? Or I can't do residency/practice there at all?

baby_doc: Thats a good bunch of questions.

Anyone please answer because I am also confused. It was so much easier registering for step 1 and 2.

MTV: thank you
you can apply for license of any state that does not requre residency,give your test in any state, do a residency in any state,for instance my friend applied for CT. license, sat of test in curtis center philly.joined residency in michigan.

Thank you. it all makes sense now.

I am still confused by this..

If this is true by tesla then why does every state have specific rules of when you can take the Step 3?

There must be some restriction coming of this later when you apply for license after residency if you did your Step 3 too prematurely and didn't follow their regulations..
step 3 is not a requirement for residency, the only advantage for FMG if you pass step 3 before residency is that some training center will petition you for H1B visa instead of just J1 visa.
I understand its not a requirement for residency.. but for those who take it before residency (whether for visa purposes or prior to starting/applying for residency), the above problems may occur, which is why I asked:

-Suppose I take Step 3 in a state that does not require some residency training.. such as Texas for example.. if I want to go do residency or practice in Georgia (where they require some residency training prior to Step 3).. will I be able to do residency or practice there or will they not count my Step 3?

-What happens if they don't count it? I have to retake it? Or I can't do residency/practice there at all?
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