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Full Version: pregnancy and interviews - mona20
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Hi everyone,

I will apply for 2010 match my creds are step1 85,step2 86 CS passed, GC, USCSE, Grad yr 2005. I want to apply in FM and Psych.My only concern is I am pregnant and my due is jan10th. Is there anyway I will be able to go for Interviews? and Incase if I will get IVs will there any chance of being matched with this condition of attending IV in 7th month.
I know this question seems real stupid but I am really concerned as I am thinking on lines not to spend much money on application if its not worth at this point..Sad may be some kind soul with same sitution last yr can help me..)

It will be difficult for you to ride airplanes as some restrictions on pregnants occur, plz ask some airlines about this issue. Anyway pregnancy will have no effect with PDs, but try to scheduele your interviews as early as possible. Goodluck for both of you ;-)
Traveling with pregnancy should be your concern... moving from coast to coast can be risky for both of you.

Programs wont mind it ... But you have to make the decision yourself... tiring journeys.. Long interview days. hospital visit and tour and stuff like that...If you are prepared for it .. Then go ahead and apply.. Your credentials are fine and you have fair chance of matching specially if you USCE and even otherwise in FM and Psych...

Our honest advice would be that you should apply but mostly to the geographical area in which you are located and apply to all the possible programs...
thanks for your help, one more question does interview can be scheduled in Feb too? I mean is there a high ratio of programs who have open schedules for Feburary or not?
Very rare programs intervewing in Feb, most of them will finish by the end of January.