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diff btw breast milk jaundice/breast feeding jaundice
breast feeding jaundice is due to bad feeding... low calorie to baby...usually in 1st week...exaggeration of physiological jaundice...Rx. increase the breast feeding.

breast milk jaundice is due to breast milk...usually in 2nd week...Rx .stop breast feed for 2 days and start again.
thanx, but breast feeding jaundice , conjugated or unconjugated bilirubin rise and how ?
You mean the difference between physiologic jaundice/breast feeding jaundice and pathologic jaundice.
Physiologic jaundice: first 2β€œ3 days, unconjugated bilirubin, 15 mg/dl prematures
diff btw breast milk jaundice/breast feeding jaundice
Breast milk jaundice and breast feeding jaundice are synonims
Breast feeding jaundice appears after 7 days, can reach 10-30 mg/dL, unconjugated bilirubin
A 4day old infant presents with yellow discolouration of the sclera and skin.the baby was born at term by a normal vaginal delivery.pregmancy was uncomplicated,no risk factor for sepsis,no history of maternal alcohol or drug use.
the baby is breastfed and has been nursing every 2hrs about 10mins at each breast.bilirubin level is 15mg/dl all unconjugated,hematocrit is 45%,coombs is negative.what is the most likely diagnosis.

a. Congenital biliary atresia
b. isoimmune hemolytic disease
c. criggler najjar syndrome
d. breast milk jaundice
e. breast feeding jaundice
this is a distractor, breast feeding jaundice is not a scientific term
answer is d. breast milk jaundice
My mistake; there are 2 forms of jaundice with breast feeding:
1. breast-feeding jaundice that appears in the first week of life in 13% neonates; maximal concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin 10β€œ30 mg/dL during the 2ndβ€œ3rd week; the bilirubin gradually decreases but may persist for 3β€œ10 wk at lower levels. If nursing is discontinued, the serum bilirubin level falls rapidly, reaching normal levels within a few days. With resumption of breast-feeding, bilirubin levels seldom return to previously high levels. Phototherapy may be of benefit
2. breast milk jaundice appears after the 1st week of life in 2% of the neonates; unconjugated bilirubin; remedy: frequent breast-feeding (>10/24 hr), rooming-in with night feeding, discouraging 5% dextrose or water supplementation, and ongoing lactation support
Source: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18 ed, 2007

breast milk jaundice = jaundice due to the consumption of breast milk usually in the first week of life...Tx take a break

breast feeding jaundice/not enough breast milk jaundice = jaundice in the newborn due to not enough milk being expressed by the mother....Tx increase feedings

one is due to estrogen and the other glucose...anyone know the physiology for 100 points?
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