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36 A 3-year-old boy is brought for a follow-up examination. He just completed a 10-day course of amoxicillin that has not resor.ed his right
ear pain. He appears irri table. His temperature is 38.9 C (102 F). Examination shows dO'Mlward and lateral displacement of the right
auricle l'ii th tenderness to palpation of the posterior auricular area; his neck is supple. VYhich of the follol'iing is the most appropriate
next step in diagnosis?
r A) Bone scan
r B) CT scan of the head
r C) Tympanometry
r 0) Lumbar puncture
r E) Tympanocentesis
whats the diagnosis here?

whats the differance between C and E
C-only visualization
E-remmove fluid
maybe mastoiditis
so whats the management of mastoiditis?